Thursday, June 2, 2011

Facebook: Revolutionary or Evolutionary?

       There are many concerns about Facebook becoming too large a part of our lives. Some people brush away these concerns; they believe that Facebook is an advanced social networking site that is positive for our world. Well, how do these statistics make you feel?

       48% of 18 to 34 year olds check Facebook right when they wake up.
       57% of people talk more online than they do in person.
       750 million photos were uploaded to Facebook over New Year’s weekend.
       Facebook was not the first social networking site nor the first popular means of communication created, and there were many advances in technology to bring us to where we are today. To look very far in the past, we had smoke signals. Centuries later, postal systems had sending and receiving letters as the fad, and soon the invention of the telegraph changed the way that news about the war was heard. Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone completely changed the aspect of long-distance communication - you didn't need to wait months to receive a reply to a letter. Cordless phones came next, and they allowed for non face-to-face communication to continue even outside of the home.
       With the creation of Web 2.0, another aspect was added to communication: communicating and collaborating with people across the globe. The cell phone, or more so text messages, allowed for instant messaging to become even more popular since you did not need to be at a computer to converse with friends. Web sites allowing for friends to connect became popular, but this all brought us to where we are today: Facebook. Not only is there instant messaging, there is also the option to share pictures with the click of a mouse, to share a link of your new favourite song, to comment on seemingly everything and anything that takes place, and the list goes on.
       Facebook has seemed to take our society by storm, but is it really something new? It is just another step on the ladder to the ultimate means of communication. This leaves me with one last question: where will it end?


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